Now fully booked! Live Online Participation via Zoom is for part or all of the retreat.
Please register below on the Booking Form and let us know which parts you’re planning to join. We’ll send you payment details and the Zoom link on payment.
You can join for the whole retreat online for £108 or individual sessions by donation. Click the button below to see the programme. All sessions with a * beside them will be shared via Zoom (e.g., everything but meals and outdoor activities).
All Welcome!
A beautiful 2 or 3 night retreat inspired by Hildegard von Bingen and Heart Of Living Yoga
“There is the music of Heaven in all things.”
-Hildegard of Bingen.
Abbey Lodge
It seems the whole world is exploring a powerful question right now. Do we go back to our usual way of living, or do we take this opportunity to choose another way? Perhaps now, more than ever, is the time to choose Love.
Inspired by the life and teachings of Hildegard von Bingen (12th century revolutionary mystic, poet, visionary, physician and abbess) as well as the beauty, simplicity and joy of the Heart Of Living Yoga tradition, this retreat is a rare opportunity to dive deep into the very heart of life. Set in the quiet peace of rural Dumfries in a beautiful house and cottage with a walled garden, we will enjoy:
Daily morning and evening meditations in the peace of the heart
Daily morning Harmony of the Heart Yoga classes to ease your body, soothe your mind and awaken your heart
Delicious and harmonious meals lovingly prepared by the kitchen magician Emma Mardava
Daily deep relaxation or heavenly healing sound bath after lunch
Sacred Anarchy: Re-wild your Heart workshop - exploring social justice and spiritual practice - with inspiration from Hildegard Von Bingen
Sacred sound & medicine poem concert & a chance to write your own medicine poem
Quiet time in contemplation of nature and the mysteries of the heart.
You’re welcome to arrive at the retreat from 4pm, settling in for dinner at 6pm on Friday 17th. We’ll have a small closing circle at 4pm on Sunday for those coming for just two nights and the retreat itself will close at 10am on Monday 20th. A range of rooms are available – early booking is advised as spaces are very limited.
Find out the latest news about the retreat by listening to this conversation shared between event organisers Mardava & Vishwam.
Outline Programme
4pm Arrivals, settling in
6pm Dinner
7.30pm Welcome, introducing ourselves and Hildegard von Bingen *
8:30pm Meditation *
9pm Silently off to bed for deep rest
5:30am Awakening to Angel Song
6am Meditation *
7am Harmony of the Heart Yoga
9am Silent breakfast
10.30am Making Hildegard’s Biscuits of Joy *
11:30am Tea break
12pm Heart’s Blessing of the Waters (outside)
1pm Lunch
2pm Sound bath with Mardava *
3pm Tea break
3:30pm Walking meditation & nature contemplation in the garden
5pm Free time
6pm Dinner
7.30pm Heart Song *
8pm Contemplating vitality with Hildegard *
9pm Meditation & Silently off to bed for deep rest*
5:30am Awakening to Angel Song
6am Meditation *
7am Harmony of the Heart Yoga
9am Silent breakfast
10.30am Sacred Anarchy: Justice & Joy with Hildegard & friends*
12:00pm Free time to enjoy nature/connection/rest
1pm Lunch
2pm Hriday Nidra ~ Deep heart rest *
2.30pm Tea break
3.00pm Singing the Trees – connecting with nature & voice
4:30pm Writing Medicine Poems inspired by Hildegard*
6pm Dinner
7:30pm Heart Song *
8pm Contemplating original innocence with Hildegard *
9pm Meditation & Silently off to bed for deep rest *
5:30am Awakening to Angel Song
6am Meditation *
7am Harmony of the Heart Yoga *
9am Silent breakfast
10am Closing circle *
Heading home with happy hearts
* available online
With regard to Covid, we are taking all precautions to keep our whole group safe and secure. We are happy to listen to and discuss any concerns. We will also be in touch when we receive your booking application (below) to talk about Covid care and keeping everyone safe for this beautiful gathering.
Sweetheart Abbey - 5 minute walk from our retreat space
Our Venues
Accomodation is available in both Abbey Lodge and Abbey Cottage. The Cottage has just two double bedrooms and it’s own kitchen and living room. Children are welcome in either and pets are welcome in Abbey Cottage. Group activities will be in the Lodge, in the shared gardens or the nearby Village Hall (5 minute walk) next to the famous Sweet Heart Abbey.
Abbey Lodge & Cottage
Cancellation Policy: any cancellations due to Covid-19, whether legal restrictions, infection or need to care for another, will be eligible for a full refund. Please get in touch immediately if you think this applies to you so we can discuss how best to proceed for the benefit of all. Other cancellations with at least two week’s notice are eligible for at least a %75 refund. Any refunds for shorter notice cancellations are entirely discretionary. Please talk to us. We’re always happy to help however we can, while always keeping our eyes on the greater good for all.
A portion of proceeds will go to the
Borders Forest Trust
“Reviving the Wild Heart of Southern Scotland”
Deluxe double room (now booked)
Twin room
Karma Yoga (selfless service). We ask all retreat participants to help keep the areas we are using tidy and well organised, including taking turns to wash dishes after meals. Loving mindfulness towards our environment is a beautiful practice for coming into our natural state of harmony & balance.
Beautiful mill pond at entrance to Abbey Lodge & Cottage
Retreat Hosts
Hildegard Von Bingen (1098–1179) was a Benedictine nun, abbess, composer of heavenly music, medical herbalist and physician, poet, visionary, and heart-centred revolutionary living in the Rhine Valley. She is known for her dedication to honouring the sacredness of nature, including human life, and speaking out for justice and for joy. Her life and wisdom teachings are a central inspiration on this retreat.
Vishwam is an experienced yoga teacher, teacher trainer, wellbeing coach, poet and retreat leader. Spending time with a beautiful group of souls on a shared voyage of discovery absolutely makes his heart sing. Vishwam loves to listen, to laugh and to spend time in the healing presence of nature. He offers a special quality of inner silence and stillness for those who are seeking peace. Vishwam currently lives with his partner, Paul, in Cupar, Fife and Tresta, Shetland.
Mardava is a Reiki Master & yoga teacher, sound healer, heart singer and Heart Of Living Yoga Meditation Facilitator. She has a passion for cooking from her heart to nourish all levels of being. She is the living embodiment of gentleness and a great joy to be with. Mardava lives in Derbyshire where she is part of the local Heart Of Living Yoga sangha.
Join us online!
Simply fill in the form below and the Zoom link and payment details for your contribution will be sent to you by email. Any questions, let us know below.