Join Vishwam and friends in a beautiful garden retreat on the magical Falkland estate. Enjoy transformative Heart Of Living Yoga practices, heart connection with other lovely people and the option to stay for an afternoon of heart meditation and creative writing. All welcome!
Our yoga practices are adaptable for every body. You are invited to listen to your body and let Love guide your movements. Just 7 places available - book soon to avoid disappointment!
Please note that 10% of all contributions go directly to support the charity work of the Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation who are working with underprivileged and oppressed children and their families in Sri Lanka, Brasil, India & the U.K.
Heart Of Living Yoga is a beautiful tradition founded by Rev Padma Devi, a devoted yogini who lives her life keeping only what she needs and giving away the rest. The practices she shares can help us to live with an calm mind, open heart, and loving experience of life. Vishwam is a teacher and trainer in this tradition, learning from Padma and from all his students how to share these teachings and the direct experience of the Heart of Love Itself. He’s been practicing yoga for over 25 years and studying with Padma for 13 of those. Vishwam started formally teaching yoga in 2011, though he shared the philosophy of yoga for many years before that.